We want to inform you, that the Company

Michael Seidl au2mator.com e.u.

does not exist anymore and was transferred into

au2mator GmbH

The Main Persons and our Service are sƟll the same. Please see the Details on the second Page.
From now on, we will only accept Invoices, Quotes, and other Documents with the new Details.

Name: au2mator GmbH
Adresse: Wilhelm-Fein-Strasse 37,  4540 Pfarrkirchen,  Austria
CEO: Michael Seidl
VAT: ATU79770507
FBN: 609158x
Bank Details: Sparkasse Marchtrenk,  IBAN: AT72 2032 0321 0068 9137,  BIC: ASPKAT2LXXX
General Mail: info@au2mator.com
Invoice Mail: billing@au2mator.com
Order Mail: order@au2mator.com