How to provide a Self Service Request to Manage your Azure AD Environment in au2mator Self Service Portal.

So your IT Staff, Helpdesk, or Managers can easily Upload a new Profile Photo.

In this Video and Post, we will show you how au2mator – Self Service Portal can be used to Self Service your Azure AD.

au2mator Self Service Portal is providing a front-end for your Microsoft Automation.

System Center Orchestrator, SMA, Azure Automation, and PowerShell Scripts can be used to be triggered by an au2mator Service.

So you can provide easy access to Azure Active Directory Environment, without any security risk and the possibility of a human error.

And by providing a Self Service with au2mator, you decrease the load in your IT Department, increase the Quality by Automation.

Also, the User of the Self Service will be much more satisfied, cause they receive an immediate response and solution to their request.

How to build with PowerShell

This Chapter will show you, how to configure the Service with our “ready to use” PowerShell Script


Navigate to the Download Section, at the End of this Page, to get the latest PowerShell Script

Download the File into your au2mator PowerShell Directory and adjust the Variables, if needed.

How to build with Azure Automation

will be available soon

How to build with Orchestrator

will be available soon

Build au2mator Service

Login as admin to au2mator Self Service Portal

Navigate to Services and click New to create a new Service

Enter NameDescription, select a Service Group and choose a nice Image

Navigate to AUTOMATION and select your Automation Service and Runbook of your choice

Next, navigate to Question and configure each Question


Question: c_User

Question: Choose a User

Required: true

Order: 1

Type: LDAP Query

Query: (objectclass=user)


Question: c_Photo

Question: Choose Photo

Required: true

Order: 1

Type: Filepicker


Feel free to configure other Question or Service Options, click Save to finish the work


Here is a list of Downloads for this Service

PowerShell on Github:

Azure automation: —





Our Scripts on TechNet Gallery, GitHub, or on this Blog are provided as is, without any Support.

If you need help to customize this Service or create custom Workflows, contact our Partner or user of our Premier Services

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